Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Another confession: I could finish three, possibly even four strips each day, however, I've discovered lately that I love to work on one strip each day and give it the time it deserves, and really focus all of my efforts on it and play. Yes, I want the world to know about my strip and turn it into an empire of cute, but sometimes I pressed myself to the point that I forgot to make it pleasurable. So now my output has changed to one strip a day, in a four hour process that's fun. It might be a failed attempt at a cool narrative trick, but at least it's a joy to make. Wanna be a webcartoonist? Have fun first, and the rest will sort itself out.
oh! and more comics for the Ipod!
Now go to bed,

The first comic Today's comic

Count Your Sheep is © Adrian Ramos.