Monday, January 19, 2009

Hello! Here I am, back from the hospital and back in color. Liliana is doing a lot better,
but the recovery is still going to be slow and a bit hard, though. She can't make a lot of physical effort,
i mean, she can climb a flight of stairs only once a day! And our lifestyles are going to change a bit, but it's all for the better.
Thank to all of you who wrote or who prayed for us, we appreciate it. I'm starting to draw in the tablet again, but as you can see,
my drawing hand's a bit rusty. I'm also going to do some of the pen and paper strips I drew in the hospital in full color because people seem to have liked a couple of them, for some reason.
And well, it feels good to be back, even if we are not entirely out of the illness. See you all tomorrow!
Now go to bed,

The first comic Today's comic

Count Your Sheep is © Adrian Ramos.